Yes, both men and women do start to notice hair loss as they get older. This can be handled in many different ways depending on who you are and what type of personality you have. Most men start to look for a restoration method as soon as they start to notice hair loss. Most women and some men just take it as part of life and accept it as a natural thing. These are the type of people that are not bothered by baldness and losing their hair. There are many hair loss solutions that you can choose from if it does bother you.
The best solution to start slowing down the loss of your hair is to get a hair piece, but you have to make sure this is a good quality hair piece that matches the hair you still have well. Others will buy wigs or toupees to hide their baldness, but there are better solutions if you would rather re grow your hair.
A natural way to stop hair loss is to start taking saw palmetto. You can get this herb at any health food center and you should take 1,500 mg per day. This should be split into three doses of 500 mg each. Take a dosage with each meal and you will be able to prevent hair loss.
You should also make sure you get plenty of magnesium, zinc, and vitamin B. These all help to aid in restoring hair growth. It will take time to notice results, but you will notice that you don't lose your hair as much and after a few months you will start to notice some new hair growth.
Plus this is much cheaper than the creams, laser surgery, hair plugs and other options that only work for a small portion of our population. You will be able to block the testosterone that causes hair loss and begin to regrow hair without using any chemicals or anything that will harm you in other ways.
Now you have to make the choice between hair loss solutions. You can try all the over the counter products you want, but it is like playing the lottery. It might work for you, but the odds are heavily stacked against you. Another option is a toupee, hair piece, or wig, but that is no good. So you are left with the natural hair loss solution that was just given to you.
Discover all the secrets to Hair Loss Solutions and Regrowing Hair. Get the information you need right here:
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